Reel # 1
Holy Name – Cedar Lake, IN
1863-1929: Baptism, Marriage, Death, Confirmation records
1929-1968: Communion, Marriage, Death, Confirmation records
1956-1972: Communion, Marriage, Death records
1963-1993: Confirmation records
1965-1988: Communion records
1968-1993: Marriage records
1972-1993: Marriage records
St. Theresa – Shelby, IN
1969-1993: Death, Confirmation, Marriage, Communion records
St. Anthony – Klassville, IN
1969-1993: Death, Confirmation, Marriage, Communion records
Reel #2
St. John the Evangelist – St. John, IN
1969-1993: Baptism, Communion, Death, Confirmation records
1863-1906: Baptism records
1847-1906: Marriage records
1855-1870: Communion, Death, Confirmation records
1851-1950: Baptism, Marriage records
1855-1902: Death records
1906-1946: Baptism, Death, Marriage, Communion, Confirmation records
1946-1981: Baptism, Marriage, Confirmation, Death records
1946-1991: Communion records
1966-1992: Communion records
1972-1993: Confirmation records
1973-1993: Marriage records
1991-1993: Death records
Reel #3
St. Joan of Arc – Merrillville, IN
1968-1993: Marriage, Communion, Death, Confirmation records
Blessed Sacrament – Gary, IN
1948-1993: Communion records
1951-1993: Confirmation records
1947-1993: Marriage records
1947-1993: Death records
St. Mary – Griffith, IN
1927-1947: Communion records
1963-1992: Communion records
1931-1992: Confirmation records
Reel #4
Our Lady of Grace – Highland, IN
1964-1993: Confirmation records
1949-1976: Confirmation records
1976-1993: Marriage records
1950-1993: Death records
St. Mark’s – Gary, IN
1921-1950: Baptism, Death, Marriage, Communion, Confirmation records
1957-1992: Communion records
Reel #5
St. Mark’s – Gary, IN
1939-1956: Confirmation, Communion records
1957-1993: Confirmation records
1937-1992: Marriage records
1950-1993: Death records
St. James – Highland, IN
1968-1993: Communion records
Reel #6
St. James – Highland, IN
1967-1993: Marriage records
1967-1993: Death records
St. Joseph the Worker – Gary, IN
1912-1932: Baptism, Marriage, Death records
1914-1921: Baptism records
1937-1992: Communion records
1945-1992: Confirmation records
1922-1967: Marriage records
Reel #7
St. Joseph the Worker – Gary, IN
1968-1993: Marriage records
1932-1993: Death records
Holy Family – Gary, IN
1926-1963: Marriage, Communion, Death, Confirmation records
1961-1993: Communion records
1961-1993: Confirmation records
1950-1992: Marriage records
1964-1993: Death records
Holy Rosary – Gary, IN
1932-1993: Communion records
Reel #8
Holy Rosary – Gary, IN
1934-1992: Confirmation records
1932-1992: Marriage records
1932-1993: Death records
Holy Trinity – Gary, IN
1911-1915: Baptism records
1919-1970: Baptism records
1971-1985: Communion records
1917-1983: Confirmation records
1912-1992: Marriage records
1911-1993: Death records
Reel #9
Holy Angels – Gary, IN
1907-1915: Baptism records
1917-1921: Baptism records
1925-1963: Communion records
1912-1936: Confirmation records
1942-1993: Communion records
1939-1993: Confirmation records
1908-1942: Marriage records
Reel #10
Holy Angels – Gary, IN
1938-1968: Marriage records
1912-1993: Death records
Sacred Heart – Gary, IN
1918-1952: Baptism, Marriage, Death records
1936-1975: Communion, Confirmation records
1937-1988: Marriage records
1956-1985: Death records
St. Anthony – Gary, IN
1920-1968: Communion records
1963-1968: Communion records
1947-1966: Communion records
1934-1968: Confirmation records
Reel #11
St. Anthony – Gary, IN
1949-1966: Confirmation records
1924-1986: Marriage records
1930-1968: Death records
1918-1921: Baptism records
St. Monica & Luke – Gary, IN
1920-1976: Confirmation records
1966-1980: Confirmation records
1917-1968: Marriage records
1957-1992: Confirmation records
1968-1982: Marriage records
Reel #12
St. Monica & Luke – Gary, IN
1973-1992: Marriage records
1917-1921: Baptism records
1928-1981: Marriage, Communion, Confirmation records
1918-1979: Communion records
1940-1992: Communion records
1917-1993: Death records
St. Mary of the Lake – Gary, IN
1929-1959: Marriage, Communion, Confirmation records
1950-1993: Marriage, Communion, Confirmation records
1962-1992: Communion records
1958-1975: Confirmation records
Reel #13
St. Mary of the Lake – Gary, IN
1958-1993: Confirmation records
1965-1993: Marriage records
1976-1993: Death records
St. Ann – Gary, IN
1943-1992: Communion records
1943-1991: Confirmation records
1942-1992: Marriage records
1943-1993: Death records
St. Casimir – Gary, IN
1916-1945: Baptism, Confirmation records
1954-1993: Communion, Marriage, Death, Confirmation records
1916-1953: Marriage records
1916-1954: Death records
St. Hedwig – Gary, IN
1908-1916: Baptism records
Reel #14
St. Hedwig – Gary, IN
1916-1923: Baptism records
1933-1984: Communion records
1927-1982: Confirmation records
1908-1988: Marriage records
Our Lady of Guadalupe – East Chicago, IN
1915-1938: Baptism, Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Death records
1927-1958: Communion records
Reel # 15
Our Lady of Guadalupe – East Chicago, IN
1958-1993: Communion records
1929-1947: Confirmation records
1951-1993: Confirmation records
1928-1993: Marriage records
1927-1945: Communion records
1943-1993: Death records
St. Jude – East Chicago, IN
1953-1972: Marriage, Communion, Confirmation, Death records
1955-1973: Communion records
Reel #16
Assumption – East Chicago, IN
1950-1962: Marriage, Death records
1962-1991: Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Death records
1914-1921: Baptism records
1923-1940: Communion records
1928-1977: Communion records
1918-1971: Confirmation records
1915-1949: Marriage records
1916-1949: Death records
1986-1993: Death records
St. Patrick – East Chicago, IN
1902-1921: Baptism records
1948-1992: Communion records
1948-1992: Confirmation records
1902-1923: Marriage records
Reel #17
St. Patrick – East Chicago, IN
1952-1992: Marriage records
1907-1923: Death records
1954-1993: Death records
St. John Cantius – East Chicago, IN
1906-1914: Baptism, Marriage, Death records
1910-1921: Baptism records
1941-1992: Communion records
1990-1992: Communion records
1925-1937: Confirmation records
1940-1985: Confirmation records
1988-1989: Confirmation records
1908-1936: Marriage records
1932-1992: Marriage records
1922-1965: Death records
Reel #18
St. John Cantius – East Chicago, IN
1965-1993: Death records
St. Joseph – East Chicago, IN
1917-1946: Baptism, Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Death records
1919-1984: Baptism, Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Death records
St. Francis – East Chicago, IN
1912-1954: Baptism, Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Death records
1949-1987: Baptism, Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Death records
1938-1958: Marriage records
St. Margaret Mary – Hammond, IN
1947-1993: Baptism, Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Death records
Sacred Heart – East Chicago, IN
1942-1993: Baptism, Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Death records
Immaculate Conception – East Chicago, IN
1946-1992: Communion records
1935-1992: Confirmation records
1933-1993: Marriage records
Reel #19
Immaculate Conception – East Chicago, IN
1933-1993: Marriage records (cont. from reel #18)
1933-1984: Death records
1985-1993: Death records
Holy Trinity Croatian – East Chicago, IN
1900-1993: Communion records
1916-1921: Baptism records
1935-1990: Confirmation records
Reel #20
Holy Trinity Croatian – East Chicago, IN
1916-1993: Marriage records
1916-1993: Death records
1990-1993: Baptism records
Holy Trinity Hungarian – East Chicago, IN
1918-1921: Baptism records
1941-1989: Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Death records
1930-1939: Communion records
1929-1940: Confirmation records
1908-1940: Marriage records
Reel #21
Holy Trinity Hungarian – East Chicago, IN
1908-1990: Death records
1970-1993: Death records
St. Emeric – Gary, IN
1913-1921: Baptism records
1913-1968: Marriage, Confirmation records
1927-1937: Baptism records
1929-1967: Communion records
1930-1963: Confirmation records
1929-1937: Marriage records
1929-1955: Death records
1968-1974: Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Death records
1913-1968: Death records
St. John the Baptist – Whiting, IN
1925-1962: Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Death records
Reel #22
St. Stanislaus – East Chicago, IN
1900-1921: Baptism records
1943-1967: Communion records
1960-1992: Communion records
1927-1952: Confirmation records
1955-1992: Confirmation records
1908-1946: Marriage records
Reel #23
St. Stanislaus – East Chicago, IN
1908-1993: Marriage records
1901-1993: Death records
St. Mary – East Chicago, IL
1921-1932: Marriage, Death, Confirmation records
1899-1920: Marriage, Death Confirmation records
1931-1993: Communion records
1932-1993: Confirmation records
1932-1993: Marriage records
Reel #24
St. Mary – East Chicago, IL
1936-1993: Death records
Immaculate Conception – Whiting, IN
1934-1973: Communion records
1927-1986: Confirmation records
1923-1992: Confirmation records
1923-1992: Death records
St. Adalbert – Whiting, IN
1916-1921: Baptism records
1902-1908: Baptism, Marriage, Death records
1908-1927: Baptism, Marriage, Communion, Confirmation records
1927-1946: Communion records
1931-1993: Confirmation records
1921-1993: Marriage records
1950-1981: Death records
Reel #25
St. Adalbert – Whiting, IN
1981-1993: Death records
St. Peter & Paul – Whiting, IN
1910-1921: Baptism records
1925-1986: Communion records
1918-1993: Confirmation records
1910-1962: Marriage records
1925-1993: Death records
St. Casimir – Hammond, IN
1891-1926: Baptism records
1941-1966: Communion records
Reel #26
St. Casimir – Hammond, IN
1957-1992: Communion records
1941-1966: Communion records
1957-1993: Communion records
1899-1993: Marriage records
1910-1993: Death records
St. Margaret Hospital – Hammond, IN
1950-1973: Marriage records
Reel #27
St. Joseph – Hammond, IN
1882-1923: Baptism records
1968-1992: Communion records
1949-1967: Communion, Confirmation records
1919-1948: Confirmation records
1882-1914: Confirmation records
1971-1992: Confirmation records
1883-1992: Marriage records
1882-1993: Death records
All Saints – Hammond, IN
1896-1921: Baptism records
Reel #28
All Saints – Hammond, IN
1907-1992: Communion records
1906-1993: Confirmation records
1896-1992: Marriage records
1896-1993: Death records
Our Lady of Perpetual Help – Hammond, IN
1963-1973: Confirmation, Marriage, Communion, Death records
Reel #29
Our Lady of Perpetual Help – Hammond, IN
1973-1983: Confirmation, Marriage, Communion, Death records
1938-1963: Communion, Confirmation records
1938-1963: Communion, Confirmation records
1938-1963: Communion records
1988-1993: Confirmation records
1937-1953: Marriage records
1981-1993: Marriage records
1988-1993: Death records
1937-1963: Death records
St. Catherine of Sienna – Hammond, IN
1959-1976: Communion records
1959-1993: Confirmation records
1958-1992: Marriage records
Reel #30
St. Catherine of Sienna – Hammond, IN
1958-1992: Marriage records (cont. from reel #29)
1959-1993: Death records
St. John Bosco – Hammond, IN
1941-1993: Communion records
1939-1978: Confirmation records
1971-1992: Confirmation records
1934-1992: Marriage records
1935-1993: Death records
Assumption – New Chicago/Hobart
1918-1942: Baptism, Marriage, Death records
1932-1993: Communion, Marriage, Confirmation, Death records
Reel #31
Assumption – New Chicago/Hobart
1932-1993: Communion, Marriage, Confirmation, Death records (cont. from reel #30)
1946-1993: Communion records
1954-1991: Confirmation records
1969-1992: Marriage records
St. Bridget – Hobart, IN
1902-1921: Baptism records
1921-1965: Communion, Confirmation records
1966-1993: Communion records
1966-1992: Confirmation records
1908-1993: Marriage records
1908-1978: Death records
Reel #32
St. Bridget – Hobart, IN
1978-1993: Death records
St. Francis Xavier – Lake Station, IN
1931-1978: Communion, Marriage, Death, Confirmation
1957-1993: Communion records
1954-1993: Confirmation records
1954-1993: Marriage records
1978-1993: Death records
St. Patrick – Chesterton, IN
1868-1889: Baptism records
1868-1899: Death, Marriage, Communion records
1868-1921: Baptism records
1943-1993: Communion records
1912-1948: Confirmation, Communion records
Reel #33
St. Patrick – Chesterton, IN
1946-1992: Confirmation records
1911-1993: Marriage records
1868-1938: Death records
1933-1993: Death records
St. Anne of the Dunes – Beverly Shores, IN
1956-1993: Communion records
1957-1993: Marriage records
1961-1993: Death records
Nativity – Portage, IN
1981-1992: Communion records
1964-1981: Communion records
1965-1986: Confirmation records
Reel #34
Nativity – Portage, IN
1965-1986: Confirmation records (cont. from reel #33)
1987-1993: Confirmation records
1964-1993: Marriage records
1964-1993: Death records
Our Lady of Sorrows – Valparaiso, IN
1968-1993: Communion records
1969-1993: Confirmation records
1968-1993: Marriage records
1967-1993: Death records
St. Elizabeth Seton – Valparaiso, IN
1979-1992: Communion records
1979-1993: Confirmation records
1978-1993: Marriage records
1979-1993: Death records
St. Paul – Valparaiso, IN
1890-1921: Baptism records
1858-1990: Baptism records
Reel #35
St. Paul – Valparaiso, IN
1929-1992: Communion records
1929-1993: Confirmation records
1898-1993: Marriage records
1899-1993: Death records
St. Mary’s – Kouts, IN
1887-1921: Baptism records
1922-1974: Marriage, Communion, Death Confirmation records
1965-1990: Communion records
1955-1991: Confirmation records
1965-1968: Marriage records
1965-1993: Death records
Reel #36
Notre Dame – Michigan City, IN
1954-1993: Communion records
1954-1993: Confirmation records
1953-1993: Marriage records
1953-1993: Death records
Queen of All Saints – Michigan City, IN
1951-1993: Communion records
1951-1993: Confirmation records
1950-1963: Marriage records
1985-1993: Marriage records
1961-1993: Death records
Reel #37
Sacred Heart – Michigan City, IN
1915-1922: Baptism, Communion, Confirmation, Death, Parishioners records
1917-1993: Baptism records
1917-1921: Baptism records
1923-1990: Baptism, Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Death records
1926-1992: Confirmation records
1923-1992: Marriage records
1923-1993: Death records
Sacred Heart – Wanatah, IN
1880-1954: Confirmation, Communion, Marriage, Death records
1882-1944: Baptism, Marriage records
1955-1984: Confirmation, Communion, Marriage, Death records
1963-1993: Confirmation, Communion, Marriage, Death records
St. Martin De Porres – Lacrosse, IN
1972-1992: Communion records
1972-1976: Confirmation records
1974-1987: Marriage records
1971-1992: Death records
St. Mary’s – Otis, IN
1873-1921: Baptism records
Reel #38
St. Mary’s – Otis, IN
1929-1986: Communion, Confirmation records
1987-1993: Communion records
1987-1991: Confirmation records
1873-1907: Marriage records
1909-1993: Marriage records
1873-1993: Death records
St. Peter – La Porte, IN
1913-1921: Baptism records
1849-1861: Baptism records
1870-1913: Baptism records
1898-1916: Communion records
1936-1993: Communion records
1939-1992: Confirmation records
1884-1898: Marriage records
1897-1954: Marriage records
1959-1993: Marriage records
Reel #39
St. Peter – LaPorte, IN
1870-1946: Death records
1959-1993: Death records
Sacred Heart – La Porte, IN
1913-1944: Baptism, Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Death records
1920-1921: Baptism records
1931-1991: Communion records
1932-1970: Confirmation records
1974-1979: Confirmation records
1932-1992: Marriage records
1944-1993: Death records
St. Joseph – St. John Cemetery
1904-1993: Cemetery records
1919-1927: Cemetery records
1894-1929: Baby grave records
1893-1929: Medium grave records
1882-1931: Large grave records
Reel #40
Saints Cyril & Methodius – North Judson, IN
1914-1993: Baptism records
1993: Communion records
1914-1990: Communion records
1894-1992: Confirmation records
non-dated Marriage records
1936-1978: Death records
All Saints – San Pierre, IN
1937-1978: Baptism records
1941-1978: Marriage records
1941-1978: Marriage records
1941-1977: Communion records
1937-1978: Confirmation records
1978-1993: Death records
1979-1993: Baptism records
1980-1990: Communion records
1978-1992: Confirmation records
1978-1993: Marriage records
1922-1956: Death records
St. Thomas Aquinas/Holy Cross- Knox/Hamlet, IN
1924-1953: Baptism records
1933-1950: Marriage records
1923-1954: Confirmation records
Death records
St. Thomas Aquinas – Knox, IN
1956-1990: Communion records
1927-1992: Communion records
1917-1991: Confirmation records
1905-1993: Marriage records
1899-1993: Death records
Holy Cross – Hamlet, IN
1952-1992: Registration, Baptism records
St. Dominic (Mission) – Koontz Lake, IN
1951-1988: Registration, Marriage records
1951-1992: Registration, Communion records
1950-1995: Registration, Confirmation records
1955-1992: Registration, Marriage records
1955-1993: Registration, Death records
Immaculate Heart of Mary – Kingsford Heights, IN
1953-1991: Registration, Baptism records
1954-1991: Registration, Communion records
1953-1992: Registration, Confirmation records
1955-1992: Registration, Marriage records
1955-1993: Registration, Death records
St. Anthony of Padua – Fish Lake, IN
1961-1992: Registration, Baptism records
1957-1983: Registration, Confirmation records
1955-1991: Registration, Communion records
1955-1992: Registration, Marriage records
1849-1857: Registration, Death records
St. Ambrose – Michigan City, IN
1845-1864: Registration, Baptism records
1858-1878: Registration, Marriage Dispensation records
1940-1972: Registration, Confirmation records
St. Mary’s Chapel, Indiana State Prison – Michigan City, IN
1951-1973: Communion records
1833-1927: Confirmation records
Reel #41
St. Joseph – LaPorte, IN
1927-1936: Baptism records
1927-1939: Registration, Baptism records
1928-1939: Registration, Marriage records
1929-1935: Registration, Communion records
1927-1949: Registration, Confirmation records
1989-1993: Registration, Death records
1940-1993: Communion records
1965-1988: Confirmation records
1940-1980: Confirmation records
1981-1993: Marriage records
1950-1993: Marriage records
1920-1966: Death records
Holy Family Hospital – La Porte, IN
1891-1962: Birth, Marriage, Death records
St. John Kanty – Rolling Prairie, IN
1891-1962: Registration, Baptism records
1926-1975: Registration, Marriage records
1891-1977: Registration, Confirmation records
1955-1977: Registration, Death records
1962-1977: Registration, Baptism records
1966-1977: Registration, Marriage records
1961-1977: Registration, Confirmation records
1978-1992: Registration, Communion records
1978-1992: Registration, Baptism records
1978-1991: Registration, Communion records
1978-1993: Registration, Confirmation records
1948-1974: Registration, Death records
Reel #42
St. Joseph – St. John Cemetery – Hammond, IN
1974-1993: Cemetery records
1857-1993: Cemetery records
St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception – Michigan City, IN
1894-1908: Baptism records
1917-1921: Baptism records
1908-1917 Baptism records
1920-1961: Baptism records
1885-1916: Communion, Confirmation records
1961-1993: Communion, Confirmation records
1963-1993: Communion records
1845-1882: Confirmation records
1883-1893: Marriage records
Reel #43
St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception – Michigan City, IN
1883-1893: Marriage records (cont. from reel #42)
1900-1933: Death records
Reel #44
Our Lady of Guadalupe – East Chicago, IN
Baptism index: A – Gut
Reel #45
Our Lady of Guadalupe – East Chicago, IN
Baptism index: Gut – Rod
Reel #46
Our Lady of Guadalupe – East Chicago, IN
Baptism index: Rod – Zu
Reel #47
Our Lady of Guadalupe – East Chicago, IN
Communion index: A – Rom
Reel #48
Our Lady of Guadalupe – East Chicago, IN
Communion index: Rom-Zu
Confirmation index: A – Sus
Reel #49
Our Lady of Guadalupe – East Chicago, IN
Confirmation index: Ta-Z
Marriage index: A-Zyck
Death index: A-Ch
Reel #50
Our Lady of Guadalupe – East Chicago, IN
Death index: Ch-Zu
St. Jude – East Chicago, IN
Baptism index: A-Zu
Communion index: A-Ze
Confirmation index: A-Yu
Marriage index: A-Yu
Reel #51
St. John’s United Church of Christ – Michigan City, IN
1856 – 1958 records
Reel #52
St. John’s United Church of Christ – Michigan City, IN
1856-1958 records