Now available! Discover a world of possibilities with Boundless, an extensive collection of eBooks, audio and digital media. Whether you’re an avid reader or someone who listens to audio at 2x speed, Boundless is your gateway to the best in digital content and programming.
Boundless is the next-generation replacement for Axis 360, which has been retired. All Axis 360 users will need to download the Boundless app to continue to access library eBooks and eAudiobooks. Checked out titles and holds have been automatically transferred from Axis 360 to Boundless.
Access our digital library from the comfort of your own device, so you can read, learn and explore wherever you are. The My Shelf feature is a personalized page for all of your checkouts. You can also view specially curated carousels and content based on your reading activities and interests.
All you will need to access Boundless is your library card and PIN. Don’t have a library card? Apply at the Circulation Desk or apply for an eCard. Don’t know your PIN? Click here to reset your PIN.
INSTALL – If you’re using a mobile device, install the free Boundless app by visiting the Apple App Store or Google Play Store (Android devices).
LOGIN – Tap the Boundless icon to open it. Under “Library Name”, search for “Michigan City”, then tap on “Michigan City Public Library.” Enter your library card number and PIN and then tap “Sign In”. Don’t know your PIN? Call the Circulation desk at 219-873-3042 or stop by the Circulation desk.
CHECKOUT AND READ – You can now search for and checkout a book or audiobook. Tap the cover of the book or audiobook you want to check out.
RENEW OR RETURN – Checked-out items will automatically return at the end of the loan period. If you want to renew your item, tap the Renew button. If no one else has placed a hold on your title, you can renew your eBook or eAudiobook for an additional two weeks.