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(219) 873-3042 | 100 E. 4th Street, Michigan City, IN 46360 | Open Monday-Thursday 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM, Friday-Saturday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM


I. CALL TO ORDER: The Michigan City Public Library Board of Trustees’ meeting was called to order by Sam Melnick, President, on Wednesday, January 27, 2016, at 2:30 PM. This regularly scheduled meeting was held in accordance with the Indiana Open Door Law.

Those members in attendance:
Sam Melnick, President
April Center, Vice President
Judy Lange, Secretary
Sam Ferguson, Assistant Secretary
Don Montgomery, Member
Doug Wickstrom, Member

Those members absent:
Dr. Ken Rottman, Member

Others in attendance:
Don Glossinger, Director
Andrew Smith, Assist. Director
Kurt Earnst, Legal Counsel
Edward Claussen, Treasurer
Susan Blumenfeld, Rec. Secretary
Don Varda, Lib. IV

II. OATH OF OFFICE: Mr. Kurt Earnst, our Legal Counsel, presided over the Oath of Office taken by Mr. Doug Wickstrom, who was appointed to this Board by the Michigan City Area School Board. Mr. Wickstrom was welcomed.

III. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Sam Ferguson and seconded by Judy Lange to adjourn this portion of the meeting in order to hold a Board of Finance meeting. All yea. No nay. Motion carried. This portion of the meeting adjourned at 2:33 PM.

1. CALL TO ORDER: The Board of Finance meeting was called to order by Sam Melnick, President at 2:34 PM.

2. ELECT PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY: It was agreed by the Board members that Sam Melnick will reside as President and Judy Lange will reside as Secretary of the Board of Finance. All yea. No nay. All agreed.

3. REPORT ON 2015 INVESTMENTS: Ed Claussen reported on all the Library’s monies and fund accounts. The total monies on deposit at December 31, 2015, is $4,153,509.25. The net balance in our checking account at Horizon Bank is $2,575,980.53. The Library’s second depository account at Fifth Third Bank totals $32,555.37. The Library’s IMA Investments total $501,234.13, market value; and the Endowment Investments Fund Trust total is $1,043,739.22, market value. Both of these accounts are held at Horizon.

4. SET INVESTMENT POLICY: There is no change from the Library’s Investment Policy from last year. Briefly, the policy is that the Board of Finance meets annually after the first Monday and on or before the last day of January in order to review the written report of the investments made by the Library during the previous year and to review the investment policy. Receipts are deposited in our designated depository that same day they are collected. As received, county tax draws are deposited immediately. The Endowment Investment Account and the IMA Account are invested in fixed income mutual funds that invest in U.S. government securities made up of United States Treasury notes and Government Agencies on the advice of Trust Officers from the Horizon Trust and Investment Management. The Library receives 67% of the interest earned from the Endowment Investment account. This money is deposited quarterly into an Endowment Earnings Fund, which is expended according to a budget set every year. The Library receives a complete report every month from the designated depository that holds both the Endowment and IMA Investment Accounts. These reports are reconciled monthly to the Library’s records. The Treasurer of the Library makes monthly financial reports on all receipts and expenditures to the Board of Trustees.

In 1994, the Library established an endowment fund with the Unity Foundation. The Unity Foundation holds the money and directs the investment of the fund. The Library receives increases from this fund at the discretion of the Unity Foundation.

The Library holds a petty cash fund for emergency purchases and employee reimbursement. This fund is reconciled by the petty cash custodian and reimbursed each month.

Motion was made by Sam Ferguson and seconded by Judy Lange to continue with the current investment policy. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

5. DESIGNATE DEPOSITORIES: Administration recommends that we retain our current depositories. Motion was made by Sam Ferguson and seconded by Don Montgomery to retain our existing deposit accounts: Horizon and Fifth/Third. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

6. BOARD OF FINANCE ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Sam Ferguson and seconded by Judy Lange to adjourn this Board of Finance meeting. All yea. No nay. Motion carried. Board of Finance meeting adjourned at 2:42 PM.

I. RESUME MCPL REGULAR BOARD MEETING: The Michigan City Public Library Board of Trustees’ meeting was called to order again by Sam Melnick, President, at 2:43 PM.


III. MINUTES: Motion was made by Don Montgomery and seconded by Judy Lange to approve the Minutes of the regular Board Meeting of December 16, 2015, as presented. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.


A. Financial Reports: The Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for the month ended December 31, 2015, shows an Operating Fund balance of $354,004.11 and a total funds balance of $4,153,509.25. The Operating Fund receipts for December were $1,315,070.86 and the disbursements were $1,315,138.91.

Mr. Claussen reported that the Library received five checks totaling $1,297,500.31 from the LaPorte County Auditors office on December 21, 2015. The first check, $1,208,110.39, was for final property tax money fall settlement 2014 pay 2015. The second check, $46,468,81, was for fall settlement 2014 pay 2015 Excise Tax, the third check, $5,065.95, was for December FIT, fourth check, $8,012.00, was for December 2015 CVET and the fifth check, $29,843.16, was for December, 2015 CAGIT.

On December 15, 2015, the Library received $9,634.97 from the Universal Service Administrative Company for the 2015 Quarterly E-Rate Payment Authorization.

The December 31, 2015, the market value total balance for both the Endowment Fund and the IMA Fund is $1,544,973.35. A $3,930.52, (0.25%) decrease compared to the December 2014 balance.

On January 4, 2016, the Library Endowment Earnings Fund received 2015 distributions totaling $4,541.59 from the Endowment Investment Fund and the IMA Investment Fund.

Included in the packet is an Indiana Public Library Non Resident Fee list of all 237 Public Library’s for 2014. The highest amount is $235.00 and our Library is $75.00.

The Library paid back 2015 LIRF and Rainy Day Fund that we borrowed in the month of December, 2015. The total paid was $1,110,000.

Motion was made by April Center and seconded by Judy Lange to accept the Financial Report as presented. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

B. Approval of Bills: The revised list of warrants is increased by $6,349.83. Motion was made by Don Montgomery and seconded by Judy Lange to approve the revised list of warrants of January 27, 2016, in the amount of $115,436.96. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

C. Cancellation of Outstanding Warrants: There are no cancellations of outstanding warrants.

D. Rainy Day Fund Contribution: The Resolution to transfer funds to the Rainy Day Fund is as follows: “Whereas, the Board of Trustees of the Michigan City Public Library finds that the purposes of the Operating Fund have been fulfilled and there is an unused and unencumbered balance; therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Board of Trustees of the Michigan City Public Library do hereby transfer $300,000 from the Operating Fund to the Rainy Day Fund based on the year 2014 actual and budget expenditures. This fund shall be subject to the same appropriation process as other funds that receive tax money.

Motion was made by April Center and seconded by Sam Ferguson to approve the Resolution to Transfer Funds to the Rainy Day Fund. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

E. Other: A copy of the Board of Trustees By-Laws was given to each Board member and our legal counsel. As per state standards, they are to be reviewed and updated. A Policy and Procedures Committee will be scheduled to discuss and update these by-laws.

V. CORRESPONDENCE: Ms. Estalle Katz donated $25 to the Library’s Endowment Honoree Program honoring Don Glossinger on his birthday. She was thanked for her generous donation.

VI. OLD BUSINESS: No report.

VII. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Kynan Wallace, IT Specialist, has replaced all of our old computers with new Windows 10 machines.

We all thank the Friends of the Library very much for donating to our holiday party. It was very good.

We have received some new furniture for several lounge areas and Young Adult area. There is more coming for the Youth Services area. It was time to get them replaced and with our funds now being caught up we were able to do this.

We have a good Maintenance crew that are making the library building look like new with their cleaning and painting.

The 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program continues to be quite a success. Lori Richardson was mentioned on the “1,000 Books Foundation” website as one of the seventeen contributors to the program.

Don Varda designed a film-making class and he and Dave Fink presented it on January 7. Don Varda is heading up a “Young Film-makers Competition which this library will be hosting on March 12.

This was just a brief outline of the report summarizing the services and programs we are offering to our community and patrons. Sam Ferguson made a motion to approve the Director’s Report and it was seconded by Judy Lange. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.


A. Building and Grounds Committee Update: Don Montgomery reported that the committee met right before this meeting and discussed replacement of the existing seals of the clerestory windows. There are other options to be considered and the Committee will meet in February.

B. Budget and Finance Committee Update: No report.

C. Friends of the Michigan City Public Library Update: The Friends met in early January and further discussed the Collector’s Corner Breakfast to be held April 23, 2016, at St. John’s Church. Tickets are $25 each. There was a luncheon with the Director, Don Glossinger, and other members of the staff to discuss the Friends budget and the Library’s request for funds. These were approved.

D. Policy and Procedures Committee Update: No report.

E. Personnel Committee Update: No report.

IX. NEW BUSINESS: No report.

X. PUBLIC COMMENTS: No comments.

XI. BOARD COMMENTS: No comments.

XII. QUORUM DETERMINATION: All present today will be able to attend the next Board meeting on Wednesday, February 24, 2016, at 2:30 PM in the Library’s Meeting Room.

XIII. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Don Montgomery and seconded by Sam Ferguson to adjourn this meeting. All yea. No nay. Motion carried. This meeting adjourned at 3:05 PM.


I. CALL TO ORDER: The Michigan City Public Library Board of Trustees’ meeting was called to order by Sam Melnick, President, on Wednesday, February 24, 2016, at 2:30 PM. This regularly scheduled meeting was held in accordance with the Indiana Open Door Law.

Those members in attendance:
Sam Melnick, President
Judy Lange, Secretary
Don Montgomery, Member
Doug Wickstrom, Member

Those members absent:
Sam Ferguson, Assistant Secretary
Dr. Kenneth Rottman, Member

Others in attendance:
Don Glossinger, Director
Andrew Smith, Assist. Director
Kurt Earnst, Legal Counsel
Edward Claussen, Treasurer
Susan Blumenfeld, Rec. Secretary
Don Varda, Lib. IV


III. MINUTES: Motion was made by Don Montgomery and seconded by Judy Lange to approve the Minutes of the regular Board Meeting of January 27, 2016, as presented. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.


A. Financial Reports: The Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for the month ended January 31, 2016, shows an Operating Fund balance of $973,339.21 and a total funds balance of $3,965,238.62. The Operating Fund receipts for January were $1,134,110.58; and the disbursements were $514,775.48.

On January 22, 2016, the Library received $28,025.34 from the LaPorte County Auditors Office for the January, 2016, CAGIT tax.

Per January, 2016, Board resolution, the Library transferred $300,000 from Operating Fund to Rainy Day Fund. This transfer is from 2014.

Per December, 2015, Board Resolution, the Library made a short term anticipated warrant inter-fund loan of $1,100,000 from the Rainy Day Fund and Library Improvement Reserve Fund (LIRF) to Operating Fund.

Motion was made by Don Montgomery and seconded by Judy Lange to accept the financial reports as presented. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

B. Approval of Bills: The revised list of warrants is increased by $4,206.61. Motion was made by Don Montgomery and seconded by Judy Lange to approve the revised list of warrants of February 24, 2016, in the amount of $100,385.09. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

C. Other: There are two items to be addressed; the first one is a Resolution authorizing electronic funds transfer which includes payroll and PERF. The Board approved our outsourcing payroll to ADP several years ago and PERF was included about two years ago. This is just an official document for the State Board of Accounts and is to be included in the Annual Report that is due on Monday, February 29, 2016. The Resolution is as follows: “WHEREAS, the Board of the Michigan City Public Library has determined that it is beneficial to its financial operations to transact the financial affairs of the Library, including the payment of wages or compensation owed to the Library employees, through electronic funds transfers including direct deposit.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of I.C.5-13-5-5, the Library will institute electronic fund transfers for the transaction of business with a financial institution or a retirement fund administered by the public employees’ retirement fund, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of IC 36-12-3-16.5, the Library will institute electronic fund transfers for the payment of claims, including the payment of wages to Library employees via direct deposit through the services provided by the Library’s and each employee’s financial institution, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Treasurer is hereby authorized to take any and all actions necessary to implement electronic fund transfers, including direct deposit, for the Library, and that the Library Director and Treasurer are hereby instructed and are required to comply with all other requirements for the payment of claims by the Library and must maintain adequate documentation of the transactions conducted under I.C. 5-13-5-5 so that said transactions may be audited as provided by law.”

Motion was made by Judy Lange and seconded by Don Montgomery to accept the Resolution Authorizing Electronic Funds Transfer (including payroll and PERF) as presented. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

The second item that needs attention is the Resolution For Organizational and Entity Accounts at Horizon Bank and Fifth/Third: Michigan City Library IMA and Michigan City Library Endowment Fund IMA. Motion was made by Judy Lange and seconded Don Montgomery to designate Don Glossinger, Director, and Edward Claussen, Treasurer, as the individuals authorized to conduct business on behalf of the Michigan City Public Library. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

V. CORRESPONDENCE: Judy Lange reported that Ms. Jan Gentry, Director of Shared Blessings, donated a large collection of office supplies. These will be used by Literacy, Slam Camp and Youth Services programs. On behalf of the Board, Mrs. Lange thanked her very much.

Also, Mrs. Lange thanked Mrs. Mary Schaaf for donating $20 to the Endowment Fund in memory of Mrs. Gen De Young.

VI. OLD BUSINESS: No report.

VII. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: The report was submitted in the packet and will be filed with these Minutes.


A. Building and Grounds Committee Update: Don Montgomery reported that the Committee met prior to this meeting to discuss the contract with Product Architecture & Design. Motion was made by Don Montgomery and seconded by Doug Wickstrom to accept the proposal from Product Architecture & Design to administer the replacement of existing seals of the Library’s clerestory windows. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

B. Budget and Finance Committee Update: No report.

C. Friends of the Michigan City Public Library Update: Judy Lange reported that the location of the Collector’s Corner Breakfast has been changed to the Full Gospel Church on Ohio Street near Earl Road. The tickets have been redone by library staff. Friends will meet again Wednesday, March 2, in the Library’s Meeting Room.

D. Policy and Procedures Committee Update: No report.

E. Personnel Committee Update: No report.

IX. NEW BUSINESS: Sam Melnick reported that April Center resigned from the Board for personal reasons. We are searching for a replacement.

X. PUBLIC COMMENTS: No comments.

XI. BOARD COMMENTS: No comments.

XII. QUORUM DETERMINATION: All present today will be able to attend the next Board meeting on Wednesday, March 23, 2016, at 2:30 PM in the Library’s Meeting Room.

XIII. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Don Montgomery and seconded by Judy Lange to adjourn this meeting. All yea. No nay. Motion carried. This meeting adjourned at 2:46 PM.


I. CALL TO ORDER: The Michigan City Public Library Board of Trustees’ meeting was called to order by Sam Melnick, President, on Wednesday, March 23, 2016, at 2:30 PM. This regularly scheduled meeting was held in accordance with the Indiana Open Door Law.

Those members in attendance:
Sam Melnick, President
Judy Lange , Secretary
Sam Ferguson, Assistant Secretary
Don Montgomery, Member
John Pugh, Member
Dr. Ken Rottman, Member
Doug Wickstrom, Member

Others in attendance:
Don Glossinger, Director
Andrew Smith, Assistant Director
Kurt Earnst, Legal Counsel
Edward Claussen, Treasurer
Susan Blumenfeld, Recording Secretary
Robin Kohn, Public Relations
Shaun Childers, Maintenance Supervisor
Brandon Jones, Maintenance Assistant Supervisor
Lori Richardson, Youth Services Department Head
Pam Stephany, Reference Department Head
Michelle, Burkhart, Reference Assistant Supervisor
Jessica Hoffmaster, Learning Center Assistant


1. Oath of Office: Mr. Kurt Earnst, our Legal Counsel, presided over the Oath of Office taken by Mr. John Pugh, who was appointed to the Board by the LaPorte County Commissioners. Mr. Pugh was welcomed.

III. MINUTES: Motion was made by Don Montgomery and seconded by Dr. Ken Rottman to approve the Minutes of the regular Board Meeting of February 24, 2016, as presented. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.


A. Financial Reports: The Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for the month ended February 29, 2016, shows an Operating Fund balance of $762,812.58 and a total funds balance of $3,755,007.33. The Operating Fund receipts for February were $7,247.05; and the disbursements were $217,773.68.

The Library received and deposited February, 2016, CAGIT Check for $28,025.34 on March 3, 2016. March, 2016, CAGIT Check for $28,025.34 was also received and deposited in March giving us a March, 2016, CAGIT total of $56,050.68.

2016 Money owed to the Library LIRF and Library Rainy Day Fund:

LIRF $200,000
Rainy Day Fund $900,000
Total $1,100,000

Motion was made by Sam Ferguson and seconded by Judy Lange to accept the financial reports as presented. All yea. No nay. Motion Carried.

B. Approval of Bills: The revised list of warrants is increased by $10,744.84. Motion was made by Dr. Ken Rottman and seconded by Judy Lange to approve the revised list of warrants of March 23, 2016, in the amount of $131,632.13.

C. Other: No report.

V. CORRESPONDENCE: Judy Lange reported that Therese Oniskin (a tutor) donated $50 to the Literacy Fund through Fidelity Charitable. Mrs. Gene (Romona) Hay donated $1,000 to the Library through the Unity Foundation of LaPorte County. This was placed in the Library’s Endowment Fund. Mr. Daniel Mellen donated $12.00 to the Library’s Endowment Fund. Ms. Thelma Westman donated $50 to the Library’s Writing Out Loud Program. Congress Park Homeowners Assoc. donated $50 to the Endowment Fund Honoree Program in memory of Marilyn Wallace. Dawn Fitzhugh is contact person. Dan, Robin and Brett Kohn donated $20 to the Endowment Fund Honoree Program to honor Diana Kohn for a happy 90th birthday.

Mrs. Lange thanked all who donated on behalf of the Board.

VI. OLD BUSINESS: No report.

At this time, Sam Melnick called for a nomination for a new Vice President. Motion was made by Judy Lange and seconded by Sam Ferguson to nominate Don Montgomery as Vice President. There were no other nominations. All yea. No nay. Motion carried to elect Don Montgomery as Vice President.

VII. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Submitted in the packet.

A. State of the Library Address: Mr. Glossinger presented the State of the Library Address listing the accomplishments for the past year and goals for 2016. He added to his Address the new library picture that is now on cards and will soon be on letterhead. Mr. Helmet Jahn, architect of the original building, liked the photo and will be using it to represent his work. Mr. Glossinger pointed out that our Mission Statement is still current even though it was written many years ago. The Library is the cultural center for the area. We have many programs that are well attended and our meeting rooms are used often by the public.

The Technical Services Department is a very busy operation with ordering and processing all the materials and then being shelved. Reference accommodates the public in many ways as well as our Youth Services Department with their many programs. Public Services offers many adult and young adult programs and needed services for the public. We are always looking for new and inventive ways to serve and help our community. Financially, we are sound and it is now starting to be a normal process.

This Address will be filed with the Minutes of this meeting.


A. Building and Grounds Committee Update: Don Montgomery reported that the Committee met with Dan Pohrte of Product Architecture and Design right before this meeting and decided on a proposed project schedule to remove and replace the existing seals of the clerestory windows. The proposed schedule is to start the bid process and advertise from March 24-April 8. Bids will be due on May 13. The project is projected to start in July.

A motion was made by Don Montgomery to authorize the Project Manager, Mr. Dan Pohrte of Product Architecture and Design, to proceed with the bidding process with a base bid to replace all the clerestory seals this year and an alternate bid for half of the seals this year, the other half next year (2017). Seconded by Judy Lange. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

B. Budget and Finance Committee Update: No report.

C. Friends of the Michigan City Public Library Update: The Collector’s Breakfast will be held on April 23 at the Full Gospel Church on Ohio Street. It will be catered by Portofino’s Restaurant and the tickets are $25.00.

D. Policy and Procedures Committee Update: No report.

E. Personnel Committee Update: No report.

IX. NEW BUSINESS: No report.

X. PUBLIC COMMENTS: No comments.

XI. BOARD COMMENTS: No comments.

XII. QUORUM DETERMINATION: All present today will be able to attend the next Board meeting on Wednesday, April 27, 2016, at 2:30 PM in the Library’s Meeting Room.

XIII. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Don Montgomery and seconded by Sam Ferguson to adjourn this meeting. All yea. No nay. Motion carried. This meeting adjourned at 3:15 PM.


I. CALL TO ORDER: The Michigan City Public Library Board of Trustees’ meeting was called to order by Sam Melnick, President, on Wednesday, April 27, 2016, at 2:30 PM. This regularly scheduled meeting was held in accordance with the Indiana Open Door Law.

Those members in attendance:
Sam Melnick, President
Don Montgomery, Vice President
Judy Lange, Secretary
Sam Ferguson, Assistant Secretary
John Pugh, Member
Dr. Ken Rottman, Member
Doug Wickstrom, Member

Others in attendance:
Don Glossinger, Director
Andrew Smith, Assist. Director
Dave Payne, Legal Counsel
Edward Claussen, Treasurer
Susan Blumenfeld, Rec. Secretary
Robin Kohn, Public Relations


III. MINUTES: Motion was made by Dr. Ken Rottman and seconded by Sam Ferguson to approve the Minutes of the regular Board Meeting of March 23, 2016, as presented. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.


A. Financial Reports: The Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for the month ended March 31, 2016, shows an Operating Fund balance of $517,470.94 and a total funds balance of $3,518,254.78. The Operating Fund receipts for March were $62,704.64; and the disbursements were $308,046.28.

On April 1, 2016, the Library Endowment Earnings Fund received $1,718.15 from the IMA Investment Fund and $2,452.52 from the Endowment Investment Fund. These amounts represent first quarter 2016 distributions. The total amount received into the Endowment Earnings Fund was $4,170.67.

We received our annual distribution from the Unity Foundation on April 5, 2016, in the amount of $5,719.00. This amount was deposited in the Library’s Endowment Earnings Fund.

On April 8, 2016, the Library received a check for $7,500.00 from the Friends of the Library. This money was also deposited into the Library’s Endowment Earnings Fund.

Total money deposited in the Endowment Earnings Fund for April, 2016, was $17,389.6.

2016 Money owed to the Library LIRF and Library Rainy Day Fund:

LIRF $200,000
Rainy Day Fund $900,000
Total $1,100,000

Motion was made by Dr. Ken Rottman and seconded by Judy Lange to accept the financial reports as presented. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

B. Approval of Bills: The revised list of warrants is increased by $11,904.00. Motion was made by Dr. Ken Rottman and seconded by Don Montgomery to approve the revised list of warrants of April 27, 2016, in the amount of $101,026.57. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

C. Other: No report other than Mr. Claussen will be starting to work on the 2017 budget.

V. CORRESPONDENCE: Mr. & Mrs. B. Page donated $25 to the Library’s Endowment Honoree Program in memory of Marilyn Wallace. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Arndt donated $50 to the Library’s Endowment Fund. Mr. & Mrs. Randy Peters donated $60 to the Library’s Endowment Honoree Program in memory of Marilyn Wallace. Mrs. Judy Jacobi, Vice Chancellor of Marketing at Purdue University Northwest, donated a large supply of pencils for the Library’s use. Duneland Stamp Club donated $75.00 to our Endowment Fund. Mr. William Walsko is the contact person. Mr. Henry Smith donated $100 to the Endowment Honoree Program in memory of his wife, Norman Jean Smith. Judy Lange, on behalf of the Board, thanked all for their generosity to the Library.

VI. OLD BUSINESS: No report.

VII. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Cyndie McKinney, head of the Literary Department, retired on April 22. Jessica Hoffmaster will be the Head of the Literacy Department beginning May 8, 2016. We are glad to have Mrs. Hoffmaster with us as she has the experience working with Mrs. McKinney.

We had three maple trees planted on Earth Day last week. We are going to do more landscaping soon but we have to catch up on maintenance of the building and the parking lot.


A. Building and Grounds Committee Update: Don Montgomery reported that there was no meeting but had an update on the clerestory window project. The bids have gone out and a mandatory bid meeting was held on April 25. We are still advertising for additional bids so there will be a second bid meeting and tour on May 6. Sealed bids are due no later than 1 PM on May 13, 2016.

B. Budget and Finance Committee Update: No report.

C. Friends of the Michigan City Public Library Update: Judy Lange reported that the Corner Breakfast was a huge success with 63 tickets sold and 57 attended. There was an article in the News Dispatch about the breakfast. The next meeting of the Friends is May 3 at 2:00 PM.

D. Policy and Procedures Committee Update: No report.

E. Personnel Committee Update: No report.

IX. NEW BUSINESS: Motion was made by John Pugh and seconded by Dr. Ken Rottman to open the Library at 10:00 AM on May 17 instead of 9:00 AM in order to have the annual staff appreciation breakfast. All yea. No nay. Motion carried. Board members are invited.

X. PUBLIC COMMENTS: No comments.

XI. BOARD COMMENTS: Judy Lange commended Robin Kohn for all she does for the Friends and the Library.

XII. QUORUM DETERMINATION: Sam Ferguson is unable to attend the next Board meeting on Wednesday, May 25, 2016, at 2:30 PM in the Library’s Meeting Room.

XIII. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Don Montgomery and seconded by Judy Lange to adjourn this meeting. All yea. No nay. Motion carried. This meeting adjourned at 2:44 PM.


I. CALL TO ORDER: The Michigan City Public Library Board of Trustees= meeting was called to order by Sam Melnick, President, on Wednesday, May 25, 2016, at 2:30 PM. This regularly scheduled meeting was held in accordance with the Indiana Open Door Law.

Those members in attendance:
Sam Melnick, President
Don Montgomery, Vice President
Judy Lange, Secretary
Sam Ferguson, Assistant Secretary
John Pugh, Member
Dr. Ken Rottman, Member
Doug Wickstrom, Member

Others in attendance:
Don Glossinger, Director
Andrew Smith, Assist. Director
Kurt Earnst, Legal Counsel
Edward Claussen, Treasurer
Susan Blumenfeld, Rec. Secretary
Robin Kohn, Public Relations


III. MINUTES: Motion was made by Don Montgomery and seconded by Judy Lange to approve the Minutes of the regular Board Meeting of April 27, 2016, as presented, All yea. No nay. Motion carried.


A. Financial Reports: The Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for the month ended April 30, 2016, shows an Operating Fund balance of $329,565.40 and a total funds balance of $3,338,155.00. The Operating Fund receipts for April were $33,343.23; and the disbursements were $221,248.77.

On May 11, 2016, the Treasurer of LaPorte County gave the Library a check for $81,446.81. This money represents a Local Option Income Tax Special Distribution per SEA 67 from a positive balance in the county’s trust account as of December 31, 2014. Per the Indiana State Board of Accounts, this money was deposited into the Library’s Rainy Day Fund.

On May 17, 2016, the Treasurer of LaPorte County gave the Library a check for $7,138.00. This money represents Commercial Vehicle Excise Tax from May, 2016, and was deposited into the Library’s Operating Fund.

2016 Money owed to the LIRF and Library Rainy Day Fund:

LIRF $ 200,000
Rainy Day Fund $ 900,000
Total $ 1,100,000

Motion was made by Dr. Ken Rottman and seconded by Don Montgomery to accept the financial reports as presented. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

B. Approval of Bills: The revised list of warrants is increased by $21,733.39. Motion was made by Dr. Ken Rottman and seconded by Don Montgomery to approve the revised list of warrants of May 25, 2016, in the amount of $141,917.26. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

C. Other: No report.

V. CORRESPONDENCE: Judy Lange reported that Mr. & Mrs. Dan Nieding donated $25.00 to the Library for VITA doing their taxes. This donation was put in the Endowment Fund. Ms. Elaine Finnegan donated $200.00 to the Library in memory of her sister, Marilyn Wallace. This donation was put in the Endowment Fund. Ms. Sally Ankony donated $25 to our Writing Out Loud Program. A group of Gen De Young’s friends donated $150 in memory of her. This money will go towards her name plate on the plaque in the lobby, flowers for landscaping and a book plaque in memory of Gen De Young.

Judy Lange thanked all who donated on behalf of the Board members.

VI. OLD BUSINESS: No report.

VII. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Don Glossinger reported that the Maintenance staff are doing a good job of maintaining the library building by cleaning and painting. The parking area also has been restriped.

Mr. Glossinger thanked the Board members for attending the appreciation breakfast and also for approving the closing of one hour so we can have this event.

Technical Services and staff from all public services departments have been busy training with a new product, MobileCirc. This is an app/software that allows staff to use any portable device to access the library’s automation system when they are out in the community doing presentations or card registration drives. We plan to use this software as we increase outside presentations and special programs.

The Reference Department served the public well with this year’s tax season. We may be the only place in town that still offers the state and federal instruction booklets to our patrons.

The annual Allen County Public Library bus trip on April 6 was successful with over 30 people attending.

Jessica Hoffmaster is doing very well with our Literacy Program. This program started in 1984 and a representative from the State Library was very impressed with our program and its progress. Our Literacy Program will be put on the State Library blog.

The first Movies in the Park is set for June 17 at the new North Pointe Pavilion. It is a new, beautiful building in Washington Park. This is good family entertainment and we are glad the Park Department is continuing to work with us to present these movies. Motion was made by Dr. Ken Rottman and seconded by John Pugh to accept the Director’s Report as presented. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.


A. Building and Grounds Committee Update: Don Montgomery reported that the Committee met prior to this meeting to discuss the window gasket replacement project. A meeting was held on May 13, 2016, to receive bids for this project. One bid was received and it is from Meyer Glass & Mirror Co., Inc., a local company. A letter was received from Dan Pohrte, the architect on this project, and he fully recommends awarding the contract to Meyer Glass & Mirror. Motion was made by Don Montgomery and seconded by Dr. Ken Rottman to accept the bid of Meyer Glass & Mirror Co., in the amount of $237,800.00, to replace the clerestory window gaskets, pending the execution of an agreeable and acceptable contract. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

Motion was made by Don Montgomery and seconded by Ken Rottman to authorize Library Administration (Don Glossinger, Andrew Smith or Edward (Chip) Claussen) to close the library, as needed, during the gasket replacement project. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

B. Budget and Finance Committee Update: No report.

C. Friends of the Michigan City Public Library Update: Judy Lange reported that the next meeting is June 1 at 2:00 PM. Plans are underway to participate in the City’s First Fridays. The next one is July 1.

D. Policy and Procedures Committee Update: No report.

E. Personnel Committee Update: No report.

The new list of Committee Assignments has been presented to each Board member and Administration.

IX. NEW BUSINESS: No report.

X. PUBLIC COMMENTS: No comments.

XI. BOARD COMMENTS: No comments.

XII. QUORUM DETERMINATION: All present today will attend the next Board meeting on June 22, 2016, at 2:30 PM in the Library’s Meeting Room.

XIII. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Sam Ferguson and seconded by Judy Lange to adjourn this meeting. All yea. No nay. Motion carried. This meeting adjourned at 2:48 PM.


I. CALL TO ORDER: The Michigan City Public Library Board Trustees’ meeting was called to order by Sam Melnick, President, on Wednesday, June 22, 2016, at 2:30 PM. This regularly scheduled meeting was held in accordance with the Indiana Open Door Law.

Those members in attendance:
Sam Melnick, President
Don Montgomery, Vice President
John Pugh, Member
Dr. Ken Rottman, Member

Those members absent:
Judy Lange, Secretary
Sam Ferguson, Assistant Secretary
Doug Wickstrom, Member

Others in attendance:
Don Glossinger, Director
Andrew Smith, Assist. Director
Rachael Doty, Legal Counsel
Edward Claussen, Treasurer
Susan Blumenfeld, Rec. Secretary
Don Varda, Lib. IV


III. MINUTES: Motion was made by Dr. Ken Rottman and seconded by John Pugh to approve the Minutes of the regular Board Meeting of May 25, 2016, as presented. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.


A. Financial Reports: The Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for the month ended May 31, 2016, shows an Operating Fund balance of $114,835.78 and a total funds balance of $3,208,212.05. The Operating Fund receipts for May were $40,290.85, and the disbursements were $255,020.47.

On June 13, 2016, the Library received two checks totaling $1,499,996.99 from the La Porte County Auditor’s office. The first check, $1,444,579.48, was for property tax money settlement 2015 pay 2016. The second check, $55,417.51, was for License Excise Taxes 2015 pay 2016. Another check just received today for the Financial Institution Tax and CAGIT totaled $5,488.80. We received over $180,000 dollars compared to last year.

On June 9, 2016, the Library received a check for $2,500.00 representing the Blue Chip Wagering Tax Distribution for the period covering December 2015 through May 2016.

Money owed to LIRF and Rainy Day Fund:

LIRF $ 470,000
Rainy Day Fund $ 640,000
Total $1,110,000

B. Approval of Bills: The revised list of warrants is increased by $9,071.37. Motion was made by Dr. Ken Rottman and seconded by Don Montgomery to approve the revised list of warrants of June 22, 2016, in the amount of $95,619.71. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

C. Other: No report.

V. CORRESPONDENCE: Don Glossinger reported that Elaine Finnegan donated $100 to our Writing Out Loud Program in memory of Marilyn Wallace. Linda Sperling donated $60 to the Endowment Honoree Program in memory of Marian Burns. Mary Brockway donated $20 to the Endowment Honoree Program in memory of Joe Mooney. Dr. & Mrs. Hugh Wallace donated $5,000 to our Writing Out Loud Program in memory of Marilyn Wallace. Mr. Glossinger thanked them for their generosity.

VI. OLD BUSINESS: No report.

VII. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Submitted in the packet and will be filed with these Minutes of the Meeting.


A. Building and Grounds Committee Update: Don Montgomery reported that the next thing to happen regarding the clerestory windows is the return of the signed contract from Meyer Glass & Mirror.

B. Budget and Finance Committee Update: No meeting.

C. Friends of the Michigan City Public Library Update: No report.

D. Policy and Procedures Committee Update: No report.

E. Personnel Committee Update: No report.

IX. NEW BUSINESS: No report.

X. PUBLIC COMMENTS: No comments.

XI. BOARD COMMENTS: No comments.

XII. QUORUM DETERMINATION: All present today will attend the next Board meeting on July 27, 2016, at 2:30 PM in the Library’s Meeting Room.

XIII. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Don Montgomery and seconded by Dr. Ken Rottman to adjourn this meeting. All yea. No nay. Motion carried. This meeting adjourned at 2:38 PM.


I. CALL TO ORDER: The Michigan City Public Library Board of Trustees’ meeting was called to order by Sam Melnick, President, on Wednesday, July 27, 2016, at 2:30 PM. This regularly scheduled meeting was held in accordance with the Indiana Open Door Law.

Those members in attendance:
Sam Melnick, President
Don Montgomery, Vice President
Judy Lange, Secretary
John Pugh, Member
Dr. Ken Rottman, Member
Doug Wickstrom, Member

Those members absent:
Sam Ferguson, Assistant Secretary

Others in attendance:
Don Glossinger, Director
Andrew Smith, Assist. Director
Kurt Earnst, Legal Counsel
Edward Claussen, Treasurer
Susan Blumenfeld, Rec. Secretary
Don Varda, Lib. IV


III. MINUTES: Motion was made by Dr. Ken Rottman and seconded by Don Montgomery to approve the Minutes of the regular Board Meeting of June 22, 2016, as presented. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.


A. Financial Reports: The Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for the month ended June 30, 2016, shows an Operating Fund balance of $1,449,385.14 and a total funds balance of $4,545,602.71. The Operating Fund receipts for June were $1,542,010.71, and the disbursements were $207,461.35.

2016 Money owed to the Library LIRF Fund and Library Rainy Day Fund:

LIRF $ 200,000
Rainy Day Fund $ 900,000
Total $1,100,000

B. Approval of Bills: The revised list of warrants is increased by $3,533.33. Motion was made by Dr. Ken Rottman and seconded by Don Montgomery to approve the revised list of warrants of July 27, 2016, in the amount of $105,390.24. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

C. Proposed 2017 Budget Dates: Enclosed in the packet are the proposed 2017 Budget dates. The Budget and Finance Committee will meet prior to the next Board meeting.

D. Other: The new Policy on Materiality and Process for Reporting Material Items needs to be addressed and acted upon by the Library Board of Trustees. This policy is required by the State Board of Accounts and is as follows:

“Whereas, IC 5-11-1-27(j) requires erroneous or irregular material variances, losses, shortages, or thefts of political subdivision funds or property shall be reported immediately to the State Board of Accounts; and

Whereas, State Board of Accounts Directive 2015-6 directs each political subdivision to determine its own policy on materiality; and

Now, therefore, the Board of Trustees of the Michigan City Public Library resolves:

Section 1. All erroneous or irregular material variances, losses, shortages, or thefts of Library funds or property, or funds or property the Library holds in trust, shall be reported to the Library Director or the Board of Trustees of the Library promptly.

Section 2. It will be the policy of the Michigan City Public Library to report to the State Board of Accounts any erroneous or irregular material variances, losses, shortages, or thefts of cash in excess $500, except for inadvertent clerical errors that are identified timely and promptly corrected with no loss to the Library.

Section 3. It will be the policy of the Michigan City Public Library to report promptly to the State Board of Accounts any erroneous or irregular material variances, losses, shortages, or thefts of non-cash items in excess of $2,000, estimated market value, except for those resulting from inadvertent clerical errors or misplacements that are identified timely and promptly corrected with no loss to the Library, and except for losses from genuine accidents.”

Motion was made by Dr. Ken Rottman and seconded by John Pugh to accept the Policy on Materiality and Process for Reporting Material Items. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

V. CORRESPONDENCE: Judy Lange reported that Kappa Kappa Kappa, Inc. donated $40. This was put in our Endowment Fund. Mrs. Elizabeth Armstrong is the contact person. On behalf of the Board, this organization was thanked for their continued support.

VI. OLD BUSINESS: No report.

VII. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Don Glossinger reported that Meyer Glass, who was awarded the contract for our window gasket replacement, did a mockup of two windows and is now waiting for gaskets to be manufactured.

The Library has been very busy this summer, especially in Youth Services Department with the many activities for the Summer Reading Program, “On Your Mark, Get Set, READ!” which began June 13 with Jim Gill, award-winning children’s entertainer/singer/songwriter. Don Varda held a tennis clinic with 32 attendants for several weeks. In June YS held 39 programs with a total attendance of 1,738.

Andrew Smith and Kynan Wallace are setting up a new program where patrons will be able to search ebook/eaudio title in our catalog. This should help increase awareness and circulation.

This month there were 43 active tutors who worked with 58 students. These tutors gave 260 hours of service to the library and their students. This number is considered high considering tutoring numbers are low during summer months. The Pronunciator program that the Library offers is a great help to many.

Don Glossinger is pleased with the many dedicated staff members working to improve many assets of this Library. For instance, a revision of our website and promoting the Library’s eBooks on our Twitter account.

Circulation staff created a very lovely wall mural in honor of Shakespeare’s 400th year anniversary.

The Movies in the Park continued on July 15 at the new North Point Pavilion with over 150 people attending.

Slam Poetry Camp in collaboration with Purdue Northwest was very successful this year. Twenty-nine students signed up (a record attendance) and enjoyed activities all week.


A. Building and Grounds Committee Update: No meeting.

B. Budget and Finance Committee Update: A meeting will be held August 24, 2016, prior to the Board meeting.

C. Friends of the Michigan City Public Library Updates: Judy Lange reported that the Friends are discussing new fund raising ideas. The next meeting is September 7 at 2:00 PM.

D. Policy and Procedures Committee Update: No meeting

E. Personnel Committee Update: No meeting.

IX. NEW BUSINESS: No report.

X. PUBLIC COMMENTS: No comments.

XI. BOARD COMMENTS: No comments.

XII. QUORUM DETERMINATION: Dr. Ken Rottman is unable to attend the next regular Board Meeting at 2:30 PM, Wednesday, August 24, 2016, in the Library’s Meeting Room.

XIII. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Dr. Ken Rottman and seconded by Don Montgomery to adjourn this meeting. All yea. No nay. Motion carried. This meeting adjourned at 2:44 PM.


I. CALL TO ORDER: The Michigan City Public Library Board of Trustees’ meeting was called to order by Sam Melnick, President, on Wednesday, August 24, 2016, at 2:30 PM. This regularly scheduled meeting was held in accordance with the Indiana Open Door Law.

Those members in attendance:
Sam Melnick, President
Don Montgomery, Vice President
Judy Lange, Secretary
Sam Ferguson, Assistant Secretary
John Pugh, Member
Doug Wickstrom, Member

Those members absent:
Dr. Ken Rottman, Member

Others in attendance:
Don Glossinger, Director
Andrew Smith, Assist. Director
Kurt Earnst, Legal Counsel
Edward Claussen, Treasurer
Susan Blumenfeld, Rec. Secretary
Don Varda, Lib. IV
Shaun Childers, Maint Supervisor
Shari Burns, Maint. III


III. MINUTES: Motion was made by John Pugh and seconded by Sam Ferguson to approve the Minutes of the regular Board Meeting of July 27, 2016, as presented. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.


A. Financial Reports: The Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for the month ended July 31, 2016, shows an Operating Fund balance of $1,265,577.65 and a total funds balance of $4,360,472.87. The Operating Fund receipts for July were $33,191.25 and the disbursements were $216,998.74.

On July 1, 2016, the Library Endowment Earnings Fund received $2,043.30 from the IMA Investment Fund and $2,817.09 from the Endowment Investment Fund. These amounts represent second quarter 2016 distributions. Year to date the IMA and Endowment Investment funds distributed $13,772.55 into Endowment Earnings Fund.

In the month of August, 2016, the Library received $40,816.68, final distribution from the John H. Vail Trust. To date, the Library has received $78,316.68 from the John H. Vail Trust.

The Library Finance Committee met at 2:00 PM today with Administration to discuss the 2017 Budget for Operating and LIRF Funds. The public hearing of the Library’s 2017 Budget will take place before the September 28, 2016, Board meeting and will be announced to the public on the DLGF Gateway website. The 2017 budget form No. 3 Notice to the Taxpayers will be submitted to the Gateway website on August 25, 2016. There are no longer any advertisements in the newspapers.

The 2017 Library Budget will be adopted by the Library Board at the October 26, 2016, meeting. The final 2017 Library Budget will then be submitted.

2016 Money owed to the Library LIRF Fund and Library Rainy Day Fund:

LIRF Fund $ 200,000
Rainy Day Fund $ 900,000
Total $1,100,000

B. Approval of Bills: The revised list of warrants is increased by $48,375.04. We have added another warrant from Meyer Glass & Mirror in the amount of $4,050.00 which the project manager approved for payment. It did not get on the list of warrants as it was just received. John Pugh asked for an update on the window project. Doug Wickstrom said that the new gaskets were received.

Don Glossinger said there is an issue regarding the sealant. The project manager is asking for a schedule and the issue with the sealants to be resolved. Don Glossinger reported that what we are paying for today is the final amount for the mockup. Motion was made by Don Montgomery and seconded by Doug Wickstrom to approve the revised list of warrants of August 24, 2016, and the added warrant of $4,050.00, for a new total of $125,085.87. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

C. Review proposed 2017 Budget: The Budget and Finance Committee met prior to this meeting to review the budget. Mr. Claussen said the Library’s 2017 appropriated expenditures do not exceed the State’s 3.8% growth quotient over the 2016 budget, making the Library a non-binding unit. The proposed Revenue Budget is $3,783,747 and the total proposed expenditures are $3,517,097. If the Board feels there are any changes to be made, they have to be done now before the Public Hearing in September.

D. Other: No report.

V. CORRESPONDENCE: Judy Lange reported on the many donations to the Library’s Writing Out Loud Program: Dr.&Mrs. Hugh Wallace-$5,000, Sally Ankony-$25, Thelma Westman-$50, Elaine Finnegan-$100, Ted Zieke-$25, Leonard J. and Irene Brown Foundation-$1,000, Jackie Kean-$25, Glen & Nancy McGeady-$25, Cleo Brodsky-Juhasz-$30, Carol and Roger Hug-$50, Jacqueline Feeley-$50, Jeanette Tyrrell-$25, Patricia Carlisle-$100, Betty Duggan-$15, Pennie and Lloyd Lombard-$10, Marilyn and Loren Hecker-$100, Rita Bayer-$25. The total is $6,655.00. Judy Lange thanked all who gave on behalf of the Board.

VI. OLD BUSINESS: No report.

VII. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Submitted in the packet and will be filed with these Minutes.


A. Building and Grounds Committee Update: No meeting.

B. Budget and Finance Committee Update: Sam Ferguson reported that the Committee met prior to this meeting and is going forward with the budget process.

C. Friends of the Michigan City Public Library Update: Judy Lange reported that the next meeting is September 7, Wednesday, at 2:00 PM.

D. Policy and Procedures Committee Update: No meeting.

E. Personnel Committee Update: No meeting.

IX. NEW BUSINESS: No report.

X. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Shaun Childers introduced our new employee, Shari Burns, who is in our Maintenance Dept. Mrs. Burns was welcomed by the Board.

XI. BOARD COMMENTS: No comments.

XII. QUORUM DETERMINATION: Mr. Doug Wickstrom is unable to attend the next regular Board Meeting at 2:30 PM, Wednesday, September 28, 2016, in the Library’s Meeting Room.

XIII. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Don Montgomery and seconded by Sam Ferguson to adjourn this meeting. All yea. No nay. Motion carried. This meeting adjourned at 2:45 PM.


1. CALL TO ORDER: The Michigan City Public Library Board of Trustees’ special meeting was called to order by Sam Melnick, President, on Wednesday, September 28, 2016, at 2:15 PM. This special meeting was held in accordance with the Indiana Open Door Law.

Those members in attendance:
Sam Melnick, President
Don Montgomery, Vice President
Judy Lange, Secretary
Sam Ferguson, Assistant Secretary
John Pugh, Member
Dr. Ken Rottman, Member

Those members absent:
Doug Wickstrom, Member

Others in attendance:
Don Glossinger, Director
Andrew Smith, Assist. Director
Kurt Earnst, Legal Counsel
Edward Claussen, Treasurer
Susan Blumenfeld, Rec. Secretary
Don Varda, Lib. IV

2. PUBLIC HEARING: A quorum of the Library Board exists for this Public Hearing for
the proposed 2017 budget of the Michigan City Public Library. The record should reflect that
no one from the public is in attendance. The proper advertising procedures were followed by
submitting Budget Form 3, “Notice To Taxpayers” in the Indiana Gateway website that the
hearing will be held on today’s date and time, September 28, 2016, at 2:15 PM.

3. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Dr. Ken Rottman and seconded by Judy Lange
to adjourn this Public Hearing. All yea. No nay. Motion carried. This Public Hearing
adjourned at 2:20 PM.


I. CALL TO ORDER: The Michigan City Public Library Board of Trustees’ meeting was called to order by Sam Melnick, President, on Wednesday, September 28, 2016, at 2:30 PM. This regularly scheduled meeting was held in accordance with the Indiana Open Door Law.

Those members in attendance:
Sam Melnick, President
Don Montgomery, Vice President
Judy Lange, Secretary
Sam Ferguson, Assistant Secretary
John Pugh, Member
Dr. Ken Rottman, Member

Those members absent:
Doug Wickstrom, Member

Others in attendance:
Don Glossinger, Director
Andrew Smith, Assist. Director
Kurt Earnst, Legal Counsel
Edward Claussen, Treasurer
Susan Blumenfeld, Rec. Secretary
Don Varda, Lib. IV

II. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mr. Jeffrey Galey from the North American Commercial Group presented to the Board several ways the Library could save on energy costs. Mr. Glossinger has his card.

III. MINUTES: Motion was made by Dr. Ken Rottman and seconded by Sam Ferguson to approve the Minutes of the regular Board Meeting of August 24, 2016, as presented. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.


A. Financial Reports: The Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for the month ended August 31, 2016, shows an Operating Fund balance of $1,109,789.59 and a total funds balance of $4,242,748.93. The Operating Fund receipts for August were $34,298.33 and the disbursements were $190,086.39.

The Library received two Medical Loss Ratio premium rebate checks from the year 2015. Both checks are from Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield. The total amount of both checks equals $2,696.77. We will offset medical insurance expenses in September 2016, by $2,022.58 (75%), and we will reduce Anthem participating employee’s premium contributions by $674.19 (25%) for one pay period.

Money owed to the Library LIRF and Library Rainy Day Fund:

LIRF $ 200,000
Rainy Day Fund $ 900,000
Total $1,100,000

B. Approval of Bills: The revised list of warrants is increased by $23,379.13. Motion was made by Dr. Ken Rottman and seconded by Judy Lange to approve the revised list of warrants of September 28, 2016, in the amount of $126,832.58. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

C. Review Proposed 2017 Budget: The public hearing for the 2017 budget took place at 2:15 PM prior to this board meeting. The 2017 budget notice to the public was announced on the DLGF Gateway web site per state requirements. The 2017 budget will be adopted by the Library Board at the October 26, 2016, meeting. The final 2017 Library Budget will then be submitted into the DLGF Gateway website.

D. Other: No report.

V. CORRESPONDENCE: Judy Lange reported on the many donations to the Library’s Writing Out Loud Program: Dan Tannas and Jo Pilecki-$50, Mary Schaaf-$20, Sue Spitler-$50, Sally Ankony-$50, Joan Enright-$25, Judy and Kent Lange-$50, Paul and Gloria Thode-$50, Thelma Westman-$30, Donald and Sandra Rubovits-$50 (in memory of Marilyn Wallace). Total WOL donations this month are $375.00. Mr. Richard Smiley donated $50 to the Library’s Endowment Fund.

VI. OLD BUSINESS: No report.

VII. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Submitted in the packet and will be filed with these Minutes. The Board members received the Library’s Bylaws and an Indiana Public Library Trustee Bylaws Template. Mr. Glossinger requested that the Board review both of these documents to prepare for a Policy and Procedures Committee meeting. The Committee meeting will be scheduled in December to revise our by-laws if needed. There will be other items to be reviewed at this meeting.


A. Building and Grounds Committee Update: No meeting.

B. Budget and Finance Committee Update: No meeting.

C. Friends of the Michigan City Public Library Update: Judy Lange reported that September is Library Card Month. Next month from October 1 through the 22nd, the Friends will be promoting their membership. The cost to join is $10. Also, the Collectors Corner Breakfast will be held April 22, 2017.

D. Policy and Procedures Committee Update: A meeting will be held December 21, 2016, before the regular Board meeting.

E. Personnel Committee Update: Judy Lange reported that a meeting is scheduled for October 19, 2016, at 2:00 PM.

IX. NEW BUSINESS: No report.

X. PUBLIC COMMENTS: No comments.

XI. BOARD COMMENTS: John Pugh inquired on the status of the window seal project. Don Montgomery said we are still waiting for the seals to be delivered.

XII. QUORUM DETERMINATION: All present today will be able to attend the next regular Board Meeting at 2:30 PM, Wednesday, October 26, 2016, in the Library’s Meeting Room.

XIII. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Dr. Ken Rottman and seconded by John Pugh to adjourn this meeting. All yea. No nay. Motion carried. This meeting adjourned at 2:45 PM.

October 26, 2016


I. CALL TO ORDER:  The Michigan City Public Library Board of Trustees’ meeting was called to order by Sam Melnick, President, on Wednesday, October 26, 2016, at 2:30 PM.  This regularly scheduled meeting was held in accordance with the Indiana Open Door Law.

Those members in attendance:
Sam Melnick, President
Don Montgomery, Vice President
Judy Lange, Secretary
Sam Ferguson, Assistant Secretary
Dr. Ken Rottman, Member
Doug Wickstrom, Member

Others in attendance:
Don Glossinger, Director
Andrew Smith, Assist. Director
Kurt Earnst, Legal Counsel
Edward Claussen, Treasurer
Susan Blumenfeld, Rec. Secretary
Don Varda, Lib. IV

Those members absent:
John Pugh, Member

II. PUBLIC COMMENTS:  No comments.


A. Public Hearing Minutes for 2017 Budget on September 28, 2016: Motion was made by Dr. Ken Rottman and seconded by Judy Lange to approve the Minutes of the Public Hearing for 2017 Budget on September 28, 2016. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

B. Regular Board Meeting Minutes on September 28, 2016: Motion was made by Dr. Ken Rottman and seconded by Judy Lange to approve the Minutes of the regular Board Meeting of September 28, 2016, as presented. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.


A. Financial Reports: The Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for the month ended September 30, 2016, shows an Operating Fund balance of $853,727.28 and a total funds balance of $3,987,950.88.

The Operating Fund receipts for September were $33,889.16 and the disbursements were $289,951.47.

Adoption of the 2017 budget is on the agenda this month. Through the Gateway website the LaPorte County Council received the Library’s 2017 non-binding budgets that stayed under the state mandated 3.8% growth factor. Gateway Schedules 4, 4A and 4B are included in the financial packet. After the budget is adopted and the Board signs schedule 4, we will submit the adopted 2017 budget to the DLGF and the LaPorte County Auditor’s office via the Indiana Gateway website.

No extraordinary operating expenses this month. Our remaining expenditure balance should be at 25% of 2016 budget; we are at 36.4% expenditures remaining for 2016 budget.

Money owed to the Library LIRF and Library Rainy Day Fund:

LIRF           $  200,000
Rainy Day Fund $  900,000
Total             $1,100,000

Motion was made by Don Montgomery and seconded by Sam Ferguson to accept the Financial Reports as presented. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

B. Approval of Bills: The revised list of warrants is increased by $4,513.12. Motion was made by Dr. Ken Rottman and seconded by Don Montgomery to approve the revised list of warrants of October 26, 2016, in the amount of $87,178.64. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

C. Adopt proposed 2017 Budget: Be it ordained/resolved by the Michigan City Public Library Board of Trustees that for the expenses of MICHIGAN CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY for the year ending December 31, 2017, the sums herein specified are hereby appropriated and ordered set apart out of the several funds herein named and for the purposes herein specified, subject to the laws governing the same. Such sums herein appropriated shall be held to include all expenditures authorized to be made during the year, unless otherwise expressly stipulated and provided for by law. In addition, for the purposes of raising revenue to meet the necessary expenses of MICHIGAN CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY, the property tax levies and property tax rates as herein specified are included herein. Budget Form 4-B for all funds must be completed and submitted in the manner prescribed by the Department of Local Government Finance.

This ordinance/resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Michigan City Public Library Board of Trustees.

Motion was made by Dr. Ken Rottman and seconded by Sam Ferguson to approve the 2017 budget as presented. All yea. No nay. Motion carried. Budget Form No. 4 was signed by all members present and the Director.

V. CORRESPONDENCE:  Judy Lange reported that St. Paul Lutheran Church Fellowship Club donated $25 which was deposited in the Endowment Fund. Mr. Shane Gericke, the Writing Out Loud program author who was here September 24, donated $80 from the sale of his book. This was also deposited in the Endowment Fund. Jinny Hilf donated $50 to the Writing Out Loud program. Michigan City Historical Society donated a book entitled Miss Colfax’s Light by Aimee Bissonette. Ms. Carmon Mosher donated $40 to the Writing Out Loud Program. Ms. Tessa and Ms. Kathleen Farnum and Ms. Benea Brown donated to the Endowment Honoree Program $50 in memory of Melissa Farnum Brown. Total Writing Out Loud donations for 2016 are $7,090.00.

VI. OLD BUSINESS: No report.

VII. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: The report was submitted in the packet and will be filed with these Minutes.


A. Building and Grounds Committee Update: The window project is progressing very well and may be completed by the end of November.

B. Budget and Finance Committee Update: No report.

C. Friends of the Michigan City Public Library Update: Judy Lange reported that the next meeting will be November 2 at 2:00 PM in the Library’s Meeting Room.

D. Policy and Procedures Committee Update: No meeting.

E. Personnel Committee Update: Judy Lange reported that the Committee met on October 19, 2016, at 2:00 PM to discuss salary ranges, raises and reclassification of two positions.

Judy Lange made a motion to approve adjusting the employee salary range table as presented. Seconded by Don Montgomery. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

Judy Lange made a motion to approve position re-classifications: Therese Anderson (Technical Services Department) from Clerk II to Clerk I and Don Varda (Youth Services Department) from Librarian IV to Specialist III Graphics and Multi-Media Technician. Seconded by Dr. Ken Rottman. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

Judy Lange made a motion to approve an across the board 3% salary increase for all staff, with exception of any position raised by an increase in salary range, beginning November 6, 2016. Seconded by Dr. Ken Rottman. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.


A. Board of Trustees 2017 Meeting dates and time: Motion was made by Dr. Ken Rottman and seconded by Judy Lange to approve of the 2017 Regular Board Meeting dates and time as presented. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

B. Library’s 2017 Holiday and Summer Sunday Closings: Motion was made by Dr. Ken Rottman and seconded by Doug Wickstrom to approve of the 2017 Library’s Holiday and Summer Sunday Closings as presented. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

X. PUBLIC COMMENTS: No comments.

XI. BOARD COMMENTS: No comments.

XII. QUORUM DETERMINATION: All present today will be able to attend the next regular Board Meeting at 2:30 PM, Wednesday, November 16, 2016, in the Library’s Meeting Room.

XIII. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Dr. Ken Rottman and seconded by Judy Lange to adjourn this meeting. All yea. No nay. Motion carried. This meeting adjourned at 2:48 PM.

November 16, 2016


I. CALL TO ORDER: The Michigan City Public Library Board of Trustees’ meeting was called to order by Sam Melnick, President, on Wednesday, November 16, 2016, at 2:30 PM. This regularly scheduled meeting was held in accordance with the Indiana Open Door Law.

Those members in attendance:
Sam Melnick, President
Don Montgomery, Vice President
Judy Lange, Secretary
Sam Ferguson, Assistant Secretary
John Pugh, Member
Dr. Ken Rottman, Member
Doug Wickstrom, Member

Others in attendance:
Don Glossinger, Director
Andrew Smith, Assist. Director
Kurt Earnst, Legal Counsel
Edward Claussen, Treasurer
Susan Blumenfeld, Rec. Secretary
Robin Kohn, Public Relations


III. MINUTES: Motion was made by Sam Ferguson and seconded by Dr. Ken Rottman to approve the Minutes of the regular Board Meeting of October 26, 2016. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.


A. Financial Reports: The Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for the month ended October 31, 2016, shows an Operating Fund balance of $686,756.51 and a total funds balance of $3,817,412.37. The Operating Fund receipts for October were $33,501.23 and the disbursements were $200,472.00.

The Library received 2016-third quarter earnings from the endowment fund, $2,442.63 (YTD $10,370.67) and earnings from the IMA fund, $1,785.66 (YTD $7,430.17). Both funds were deposited into Endowment Earnings Fund.

Money owed to the Library LIRF and Library Rainy Day Fund:

LIRF $ 200,000
Rainy Day Fund $ 900,000
Total $1,100,000

Mr. Claussen reported that in the month of December, we should be receiving our money from the County and we will pay our LIRF and Rainy Day Fund. Then in January we will borrow from these accounts again.

B. Approval of Bills: This month we paid Meyer Glass & Mirror $130,756.50. The revised list of warrants is increased by $166,983.73. Motion was made by Dr. Ken Rottman and seconded by Doug Wickstrom to approve the revised list of warrants of November 16, 2016, in the amount of $218,648.36. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

C. Other: No report.

V. CORRESPONDENCE: Judy Lange reported that Walter and Janiece Barbknecht donated $30 to the Library Endowment Fund. Mr. Bruce Morgan, Northwestern Jaycee President, donated $200 to the Library Endowment. Judy Lange thanked them on behalf of the Board.

VI. OLD BUSINESS: No report.

VII. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: The new all-in-one tablets made specifically for kids, Launchpads, made their Library debut Friday, November 4. The Findaway Company, makers of Playaways, began this new product last year. The tablets contain several different apps with many choices in each. They cover many subject areas, STEM and STEAM, with some games. All are educational. Borrowing time is one week.

Mr. Glossinger brought to the Board’s attention three students in our Literacy Program that have improved tremendously since being in our program.


A. Building and Grounds Committee Update: Don Montgomery reported that 145 windows are completed and 190 are expected to be completed by the end of the month. Weather permitting, 80 will be completed in December. Meyer Glass & Mirror are moving right along, doing an average of 8 windows a day while keeping the Library open.

B. Budget and Finance Committee Update: No report.

C. Friends of the Michigan City Public Library: Judy Lange reported they are planning the Friends Collectors Corner Breakfast to be held again in April.

D. Policy and Procedures Committee Update: No meeting.

E. Personnel Committee Update: No meeting.

F. Nominating Committee: Sam Melnick appointed Sam Ferguson, Dr. Ken Rottman and Doug Wickstrom as members of the Nominating Committee. They should have a slate of officers by the December Board meeting.

IX. NEW BUSINESS: No report.

X. PUBLIC COMMENTS: No comments.

XI. BOARD COMMENTS: No comments.

XII. QUORUM DETERMINATION: Dr. Ken Rottman may not be able to attend the next Board meeting on December 21, 2016, at 2:30 PM. Therefore, the Policy and Procedures Committee meeting is changed to December 14, 2016, at 2:00 PM.

XIII. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Dr. Ken Rottman and seconded by Judy Lange to adjourn this meeting. All yea. No nay. Motion carried. This meeting adjourned at 2:41 PM.

December 21, 2016


I. CALL TO ORDER: The Michigan City Public Library Board of Trustees’ meeting was called to order by Sam Melnick, President, on Wednesday, December 21, 2016, at 2:30 PM. This regularly scheduled meeting was held in accordance with the Indiana Open Door Law.

Those members in attendance:
Sam Melnick, President
Don Montgomery, Vice President
Judy Lange, Secretary
Sam Ferguson, Assistant Secretary
John Pugh, Member
Doug Wickstrom, Member

Those members absent:
Dr. Ken Rottman, Member

Others in attendance:
Andrew Smith, Assistant Director
Kurt Earnst, Legal Counsel
Edward Claussen, Treasurer
Susan Blumenfeld, Rec. Secretary
Robin Kohn, Public Relations


III. MINUTES: Motion was made by Judy Lange and seconded by John Pugh to approve the Minutes of the regular Board Meeting of November 16, 2016. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.


A. Financial Reports: The Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for the month ended November 30, 2016, shows an Operating Fund balance of $486,209.79 and a total funds balance of $3,501,370.03. The Operating Fund receipts for November were $32,971.32 and the disbursements were $233,518.04.

The bullet points are resolutions that will be addressed by the Board later on at this meeting.

We received our second draw from the County which gave us 4 checks: Property Tax in the amount of 1,106,637.52; Excise Tax is 63,987.94; Financial Institution Tax is 5,244.59 and CVET is 7,137.00 for a total of $1,183,007.05.

Money owed to the Library LIRF and Library Rainy Day Fund:

LIRF $ 200,000
Rainy Day Fund $ 900,000
Total $1,100,000

Motion was made by Judy Lange and seconded by Don Montgomery to approve the Financial Report as presented. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

B. Approval of Bills: The revised list of warrants is increased by $11,804.87. Motion was made by Judy Lange and seconded by Don Montgomery to approve the revised list of warrants of December 21, 2016, in the amount of $197,466.42. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

C. Encumbrances: Ed Claussen read the Resolution to Encumber Operating Funds: WHEREAS, It has been determined that it is now necessary to encumber appropriations from the Operating Fund for items which have purchase orders having not yet been delivered and services which have yet to be met to further the projects of Michigan City Public Library during 2017; Now, therefore be it resolved by the Library Board of the Michigan City Public Library, LaPorte County, Indiana, that the following appropriations hereby be encumbered from the 2016 budget for the Operating Fund and ordered set apart out of that fund herein named and for the purposes herein specified, subject to the laws governing the same:

Purchase Order # Vendor’s Name Budget Line Item Amount Encumbered
2016 See attached schedule Other expenditures $43,951.96
2016 See attached schedule Materials $24,553.48


Presented to the Michigan City Public Library Board, read in full and adopted this 21st Day of December, 2016. Motion was made by John Pugh and seconded by Sam Ferguson to approve the encumbrances of the operating fund totaling $68,505.44. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

D. Line Transfers: Resolution to Transfer Funds Within the Library Operating Fund Major Category is as follows: Whereas, it has been shown that certain existing appropriations in the Library Operating Fund now need to be transferred from one line to another.

We the Library Board of Michigan City Public Library do resolve that the following transfers be made within the Library Operating Fund:

Transfer from Communication and Transportation $2,000.00

Transfer to Printing and Advertising $2,000.00

Motion by Judy Lange and seconded by Sam Ferguson to approve this resolution to transfer funds within the Library Operating Fund. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

E. Non-resident Fee: Resolution for Nonresident Fee for Michigan City Public Library (“Library”) is as follows:

WHEREAS, IC 36-12-2-25(c) requires that an individual nonresident fee be established for a local library card; and

WHEREAS, IC 36-12-2-25(c) requires that an individual nonresident fee be established for a local library card; and
WHEREAS, the minimum fee that the board may set under the statute is the greater of the following: (1) The library district’s operating fund expenditure per capita in the most recent year for which that information is available in the Indiana state library’s annual “Statistics of Indiana Libraries” or (2) Twenty-five dollars ($25).
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the nonresident fee is hereby set at ($81.00) for an individual nonresident card; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this fee will remain in effect until such time that the library board passes a new nonresident fee resolution.
DULY ADOPTED by the Board of Trustees of the Michigan City Public Library at its regular meeting held on the 21st day of December, 2016, at which meeting a quorum was present.

Motion was made by Judy Lange and seconded by Sam Ferguson to approve this Resolution for the Nonresident Fee set at $81.00. Judy Lange inquired about the members of the Friends of the Library that live out of town. This fee is not the fee to become a member of the Friends. This fee is for those that live out of state and want to use our library. A vote was called. All yea. No nay. Motion carried to set the nonresident fee at $81.00.

F. Rainy Day and LIRF Fund Transfers to Operating Fund: The Resolution is as follows:

Whereas, the Michigan City Public Library Board has been delayed in receiving various forms of revenue from LaPorte County and the State of Indiana,

The Michigan City Public Library Board authorizes the Michigan City Public Library Treasurer to make a transfer of funds from the Library Improvement Reserve Fund (LIRF) and the Rainy Day Fund on January 3, 2017, to maintain a positive cash balance in the Operating Fund for the first half of 2017.

Be it resolved, by the Board of Trustees of the Michigan City Public Library, Michigan City, LaPorte County, Indiana, to authorize transfer of $200,000 from LIRF and $900,000 from Rainy Day Fund to the Library Operating Fund. This total transfer of $1,110,000 to be repaid at such time our 2016 pay 2017 Property Tax Draw is received.

Motion was made by Don Montgomery and seconded by Doug Wickstrom to approve of Rainy Day and LIRF Fund transfers to Operating Fund in order to maintain a positive cash balance for the first half of 2017. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

G. Resolution for Internal Control Procedures: The resolution to establish internal controls is as follows:

WHEREAS, the Board of the Michigan City Public Library recognizes their responsibility to the residents and taxpayers of the district, to maintain minimum internal control standards as defined by State Board of Accounts and IC 5-11-1-27(g).
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Michigan City Public Library do hereby adopt internal control standards and ensure that personnel receive training.
DULY ADOPTED by the Board of Trustees of the Michigan City Public Library at its regular meeting held on the 21st day of December, 2016, at which meeting a quorum was present.

Motion was made by Doug Wickstrom and seconded by Sam Ferguson to approve of this resolution for internal control procedures and to renew each year. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

H. Other: Ed Claussen informed the Board that the Indiana State Board of Accounts’ examiners are in and going through the Library’s Financial Statements. They are very thorough and will have an exit interview when they are finished.

V. CORRESPONDENCE: Judy Lange reported that Mr. Richard Smiley donated $20 to the Endowment Honoree Program to honor Rose Ward for her service as Secretary of the Chapel of the Dunes in Miller.

VI. OLD BUSINESS: No report.

VII. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Submitted in the packet and will be filed with these Minutes.


A. Building and Grounds Committee Update: Don Montgomery reported the window project is almost complete. The weather stopped them. There are 25 windows to do and will finish when snow is off the roof.

B. Budget and Finance Committee Update: No meeting.

C. Friends of the Michigan City Public Library Update: No report.

D. Policy and Procedures Committee Update: John Pugh reported that the Committee met on December 14, 2016, and reviewed several policies.

1. The Committee reviewed the revised Technology Plan to cover 2017-2019. This plan is required by the Indiana State Library. Motion was made by Sam Ferguson and seconded by Doug Wickstrom to accept the 2017-2019 Technology Plan as presented, effective December 22, 2016. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

2. Administration presented the need to raise the fee for color printing from .15 per page to .30 per page to cover the costs of toner and paper. Motion was made by Judy Lange and seconded by Don Montgomery to raise the fee for color printing to .30 per page, effective December 22, 2016. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

3. The Library must have Internal Control Procedures to document all money-handling. Motion was made by John Pugh and seconded by Sam Ferguson to accept the Internal Control Procedures as presented effective December 22, 2016. These procedures will be reviewed annually. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

4. The Committee reviewed the revised Board of Trustees Bylaws. Motion was made by John Pugh and seconded by Sam Ferguson to accept the revised Board of Trustees Bylaws, effective December 22, 2016. The Bylaws must be reviewed and approved annually hereafter. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

E. Personnel Committee Update: No meeting.

F. Nominating Committee Update: Sam Ferguson reported the Committee met and were in agreement that the officers for 2016 should stay on in 2017. Mr. Ferguson brought to the Board’s attention that on Page 4 under Article VIII on the revised Bylaws for Indiana Public Library Standards there are only 4 officers: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. There is not an Assistant Secretary. Therefore, until the Bylaws are amended there are only 4 officers. The nominations for Board Officers in 2017 are:

President Sam Melnick
Vice President Don Montgomery
Secretary Judy Lange
Treasurer Edward Claussen

There were no other nominations. Motion was made by Sam Ferguson and seconded by Doug Wickstrom to approve the list of Board Officers for 2017 as presented. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.


A. Approval needed for Discretionary Budget: The funds come from the Library’s IMA and Endowment Investments. We also get funds from Unity and the Friends. Motion was made by Judy Lange and seconded by Doug Wickstrom to approve of these discretionary budgets totaling $38,000.00 as presented. All yea. No nay. Motion carried.

X. PUBLIC COMMENTS: No comments.

XI. BOARD COMMENTS: Judy Lange wished everyone Happy Holidays and said what a pleasure it is to be on this Board.

XII. QUORUM DETERMINATION: Judy Lange is unable to attend the next Board meeting on January 25, 2017, at 2:30 PM in the Library’s Meeting Room.

XIII. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Don Montgomery and seconded by Sam Ferguson to adjourn this meeting. All yea. No nay. Motion carried. This meeting adjourned at 3:04 PM.

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